
We're tired of non-transmed people trying to define what being transmed is, so we decided to make our own page

The basic transmedicalist belief is that some form of dysphoria is necessary to be transsexual. Being trans is inherently a medical condition, as gender dysphoria is diagnosable and should not be treated like it is a fun trend to choose.

Transmedicalism is simply the understanding that transsexuality is a medical (neurological) condition characterized by the experience of gender dysphoria (incongruence). That is the one and only universal truth among transmeds. Anything else you might have been told about us varies from individual to individual; we are not a monolith. While some transmeds do hold some very extreme and rigid views, the majority of us are actually very open minded and willing to listen to what others have to say.

Is transition mandatory?

Another common myth is that we reject anyone who doesn't transition. There's this idea that we have this black and white mentality that anyone who doesn't transition, no matter the reason, isn't trans, period. This is completely false. As we recognize transsexuality to be a medical condition, we also recognize that a condition is present regardless if one chooses to treat it or not. Therefore, it stands to reason that someone who chooses not to transition, or cannot transition, may still be trans.

There are many valid reasons one may decide against transition - even if they could - including:

Are you guys cis bootlickers?

Contrary to tucute belief, transmeds don't care about what cis people think about us. We just refuse to assume that every cis person is inherently transphobic and out to get us. We believe in making an attempt to educate ignorant people without blowing a fuse at them for making mistakes. This is something the transgender community seems to be aggressively opposed to.

We're not interested in kissing up to actual hardened transphobes, and we'll tell them off as quickly as we can identify them. What we are interested in, is preventing transphobes from coming into existence. You can't do that if you're demonizing every cis person you see before they even have a chance to say anything.

We don't like safe spaces

Another issue is that transgender "support groups" and "safe spaces" do not serve transsexuals well. Cissexuals do not understand gender dysphoria and often conflate it with body dysmorphia and other self-image issues. They also have this tendency to think it's caused by outside factors, like transphobia. They lack a basic understanding of our condition, and therefore cannot even understand how to help us.

There's also an issue of the language and slogans promoted by the transgender community. Sayings such as "some women have penises" and "some men have vaginas" only serve to trigger dysphoria in those of us who do not want to be reminded of those aspects of our anatomy.

Body positivity and self acceptance, while great concepts on their own, will not cure dysphoria, and along with so-called "inclusive language", can even trigger it, making "trans safe spaces" unsafe for transsexuals.